Upgrading Java and Spring without the headache


1 min read

🤔 Want to upgrade Java, Spring Boot versions is a methodical way

There is a platform for that!

💡 Moderne's OpenRewrite platform helps with managing complexities in upgrading your Java based projects

Some common use cases include:
1. Upgrading to Java 17
2. Upgrading Spring Boot 2 to Spring Boot 3

🙋Why a tool?
Knowing the API changes in libraries for every dependency is difficult. Also, a lot of time can be wasted in a particular solution that does not work well with a particular dependency.

🔧How does it work?

You can import custom recipes as Maven/Gradle task and run them.
For example, you want to migrate from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5, you can import a recipe for it in Gradle like this:


And run the gradle task:

gradlew rewriteRun

Since these recipes are chainable, you can add steps to make code changes incrementally.
Other features include:
1. Writing your own custom recipes for your use-case
2. Dashboard to track the recipes done in your project to track your level of completion of version migration.

📖 Resources:
1. Moderne's site: https://www.moderne.io/
. OpenRewrite recipes: https://docs.openrewrite.org/