This week in tech news | 24th September 2022

1.Java 19 Released this week

Release features:

  • Memory concurrency with Project loom Massively scale lightweight threads
  • Pattern matching instanceof methods and switch expressions pattern matching to write cleaner code with lesser cognitive complexity
  • Record Pattern Helps reduce boiler plate code for DTOs and POJOs by implementing getters,setters, equals and hashcodes implicitly.
  • Vector API Provides parallel execution of multi-dimensional array. This can be used in image processing and other high compute tasks.

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2.Qwik releases beta

Qwik released its beta version. It is promised to create very fast website. It achieves by the concept of "resumability". It serializes all the state, event listeners of Javascript into HTML on the server and sends the HTML to the client. This HTML then "resumes" at the client instantly without parsing Javascript.


3.Open AI open sources Whisper Open AI has open sourced Whisper, an Automatic Speech Recognition tool which can convert audio to text for a variety of languages and accents. You can feed it an audio file and run the transcribe python script in your local machine to get texts from the audio source.
